Sunday, September 3, 2023

Random Stories, Pt. 2

CONSUMER WARNING! The following two stories may be considered un-culturally sensitive. Read at your own risk! The second one sounds un-culturally sensitive, but if you are able to read to the end, it REALLY is un-culturally sensitive. :-)

Story #3

Vietnam and America are two very different countries with very different cultures that could be considered other-worldly (from either prespective) in their differences. 

The bar scene in Saigon boomed as American service members became more and more prevalent. This led to the bars competing for American dollars. Of course, many of the places catered to Americans by helping them feel more at home. 

Hughie went to one of those bars. It was set up as what the Vietnamese thought was an American bar, including a lounge singer act (It was the 60's after all). This group of beautiful young Vietnamese ladies were singing hits from the crooners of yore. At one point, the singers sang a very popular Frank Sinatra hit, Fly Me to the Moon.

Now, when Vietnamese people (and those with other Asian languages) are learning English as a second language, there are some sounds that don't come easy. Going the other way, when I have tried to learn some Vietnamese words, there are sounds I couldn't even hear!

Having written that, as stated before, the singers were singing Fly Me to the Moon. As Hughie described it, they were actually singing, "FRY me to da moon."

He appreciated it and got a kick out of it both.

Story #4

The following "fact" is important to this story: When I was growing up, we (when I write "we" I mean Hughie Don) talked about how when he'd eat Chinese or other Asian foods, it would "go right through" his stomach, making him hungry faster. (Anyone else remember that characterization of Chinese food? I googled it and it is a thing, even outside of my family.) I don't know if you have heard this before, but it was a common thought back in the day. At least it was in my family.

Hughie Don was stationed in some Asian countries and flew to many others. If the flyboys wanted to go out, they would hire one cab for the whole evening. It was common for military men to do this and part of what they did was pay for the cab and pay for a dinner for the driver.

Now to the story...

As military men did back in the day, Hughie Don and his flight pals decided they were going to have a night on the town (who knows, they could have heard lounge singers singing "Fry me to da moon" that night).

As already described, they hired a cab for the whole evening. Their plan, which they carried out, was to get some burgers at a joint and send a couple of burgers out to the cabbie so he could also have some dinner. 

They then headed off to their next stop. When they got there, the cab driver stopped Hughie as he got out and asked him a question. It was a question Hughie thought was hilarious and told it to me many times as I grew up.

The cabbie asked Hughie Don, "Do you mind paying me some of my fare for the evening now? I want to get some dinner while you are in the club because that American food goes right through me. I'm starving!"

You gotta love it!

Hughie in His Own Words (HIHOW) Part 1 - Practical Joke at Flight School

We had press board, stand up lockers for our clothes. It was mandatory to keep our lockers locked. We would lose keys and spend hours trying...