Tuesday, April 5, 2022

1948 - University of Texas, Football, and HD

When Hughie Don signed his contract to become a Navy pilot, he was paid to go to 2 years of college, followed by flight school.

Hughie went to UT, University of Texas. THE University of Texas! (OSU can't have all the fun.)

Hughie used to brag about his class schedule. 

Side Note: Hughie claimed to not need more than 4-5 hours of sleep at night. He claimed that was his optimum wake/sleep pattern. He claimed it was the truth. All I know is that he seemed to fall asleep in front of the TV every evening around 8:00, then go to bed. You decide! End side note.

2nd side note: Granted, he was much younger when he was in college, but come on, man! End 2nd side note. 

Anyway, he bragged about his class schedule. He took early morning classes, as early as they offered them, and was done with classes and all his studying by noon each day. He loved that he was done with his school day and his buddies were just getting started. Hughie would remind his buddies often that his day was done. They loved him for it. 

He told that story numerous times back in the day. He seemed to have found a way to beat the system...kind of. (He DID take classes when they were offered, so I don't know about beating the system. OK, OK, I am the one who said he beat the system. He didn't say it, so it's a "Moo point," as Joey used to say.)

Anyway, in all his free time, he decided to play football for THE University of Texas Longhorns. Pretty cool, eh?

Even cooler? One of his teammates was a guy named Tom. Maybe you have heard of him. He's kinda big around Texas...especially in Dallas. Tom, after his playing days became a coach...a head coach...of an NFL team...the Dallas Cowboys!

If you haven't guessed it already you are either denser than a really dense thing or you don't know football. 

Hughie played football with Tom Landry, one of the winningest coaches in NFL history! Pretty cool, right?!

Hughie in His Own Words (HIHOW) Part 1 - Practical Joke at Flight School

We had press board, stand up lockers for our clothes. It was mandatory to keep our lockers locked. We would lose keys and spend hours trying...